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This is for you if you are stressed, tense and anxious, or are struggling with the tension linked to past trauma.

I work with adults who are finding the day-to-day stresses of life overwhelming. They may have experienced trauma during Their life and are finding the anxiety and tension from this to be all consuming.

I will use a gentle; Japanese form of healing that help balance the energies in your body. I use a hand – on method, while guiding a universal energy to you to encourage healing of past or present emotions.

WE will work together to calm your mind and your body, helping you to relax, re-energise and re-focus so that you can calmly and with ease, achieve the things in life that fill you with happiness and contentment.




I must admit that as I approached the time for my first session I was a little sceptical.

However I found the process really quite relaxing, helping to reduce my stress level and a few aches and pains I was experiencing. Im looking forward to my next Session with Julia.